in 9 Tagen zum Microsoft Certified
Azure Solutions Architect Expert
Microsoft Azure Solutions Architects must have expertise in compute, network, storage, and security so that they can design solutions that run on Azure.
Review the skills and knowledge required to certify.
Train for certification exams:
AZ-300T01 Deploying & Configuring Infrastructure (1)
AZ-300T02 Implementing Workloads and Security (1)
AZ-300T03 Understanding Cloud Architect Technology Solutions (1)
AZ-300T04 Creating and Deploying Apps (1)
AZ-300T06 Developing for the Cloud (1)
AZ-301T01 Designing for Identity and Security (1)
AZ-301T02 Designing a Data Platform Solution (1)
AZ-301T03 Design for Deployment, Migration, and Integration (1)
AZ-301T04 Designing an Infrastructure Strategy (1)
Termine Bensheim: AZ-300 20.-24.05.2019 + AZ-301 11.06.-14.06.2019
Schedule your exams and get certified: Exam AZ-300 & Exam AZ-301 or Exam AZ-302 (transition exam for people who passed Exam 70-535)
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